Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Wham! I just got socked in the face by a colorful exclamation, used to make Adam West look like he's beating someone up.

Adam West is off doing his own things, and as he is no longer filling the black boots of Batman, Christian Bale has taken them up (we can ignore most of the actors who have played Batman in between the two, although I have a soft spot for Michael Keaton's portrayal) and done them honor. These last three movies have gotten better and better, bringing us to this magical crescendo that we call The Dark Knight Rises.

I know what you're thinking, because I thought the same. No way can this movie out-awesome The Dark Knight. You'd be wrong! I was blown away, and if you have any love for Batman, you must watch The Dark Knight Rises.

Usually at this point I would try to give a quick run down of the movie, giving only a taste of what you might see on the silver screen. The truth is, I don't want to give away anything from this film. I want you to see it and be surprised each step of the way. Don't worry about the trailers, don't look up the actors, just buy a ticket and let yourself be taken away by it all.

What I can talk about is Anne Hathaway. She had quite an act to follow, what with Michelle Pfeiffer having been the embodiment of Catwoman two decades ago. I read in an interview that Anne didn't think of herself as Catwoman, she couldn't replace Michelle Pfeiffer in her own mind. That made me a little uncertain as to how good her performance could be, if she had no confidence in herself. But I saw that she wasn't attempting to be the same Catwoman as Michelle, and I think that's what she meant. Anne was the Catwoman of a modern, realistic world. Her costume was boring and normal, but suited the character.

The truth was I've hated Catwoman for two decades, being extremely jealous of her agility, crazoidness, and overall sex appeal. However, I must say I did appreciate the emotion and vulnerability that Anne Hathaway brought to the character. And I was only slightly jealous of her.

As for Christian Bale, he plays a great Batman and Bruce Wayne. He doesn't only display the duality between the two personas, he has a third side to him: the Bruce Wayne that only Alfred sees down in the Batcave. He isn't wearing a mask there, he's worried about preparing for the next mask he puts on, and if he can pull it off.

Ah! I want to say so much, but I cannot! Go see it!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, your last sentence here is my favorite -- "He isn't wearing a mask there, he's worried about preparing for the next mask he puts on, and if he can pull it off." -- it kind of solidifies all three movies for me. I agree -- Christian Bale brings Batman to an incredibly human and relatable level.
