Friday, January 24, 2014

I, Frankenstein

I have to admit that I'm a huge nerd and I ruin every movie based on a book because I sit there the whole time pointing out what was changed.

So you can imagine how I felt walking into the movie I, Frankenstein.

(I hear it is based on a comic book, which I've never read. So I can't comment on that.)

Right off the bat, I was extremely relieved when they mentioned that the monster is not necessarily named Frankenstein, and that, in fact, he really doesn't have a name. I feel like that's an important theme from the original story. 

Otherwise... the movie wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. There were actors in it that I enjoy from other films, like Bill Nighy, and Aaron Eckhart. They did what they could for the dumb movie.

Don't see it unless you have nothing better to do.

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